Monday, February 21, 2011

Paper explosion!

I am waist deep in papers here, working on taxes, financial aid and just paperwork in general, trying to clear away papers from years past that is LONG overdue. I have a hard time keeping on top of it all, without a good system to deal with it each day. So, the papers have a tendency to get bagged up, and put aside. Ugh. Then, I find them months or years later...maybe THIS will be the time I finally get that under control?

With 3 financial aid application deadlines looming betw now and March 15, I have to get that done first. But it sure would be nice to tackle it all and put together a system of regular filing in the process. Praying I can do just that.

I did throw away 3 bags worth of papers last night (recycling bin might be bursting at the seams this week!).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My efforts with dieting continue

I am fighting the good fight, and it IS a fight indeed. After 3 years, I have now lost 123 lbs, with 51 more to go. I have worked SO hard at the gym, and with the food choices I have made. The loss has been painfully slow or almost non-existent at times, but over the course of the years, has added up. I feel MUCH better about myself, and enjoy the compliments I get, esp from Mark! :) I had 2 surgeries in Dec (one the week before Christmas, the other 3 days after), where I had the varicose veins in my legs repaired/removed, and the recovery process from that has taken longer than expected. So, it has slowed me down, but I am NOT giving up. At this point, I will keep working until I get there. I was hoping to lose the rest of the weight by mid-summer, when my family is gathering for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, but with the slow-down, I may not be all the way there. No matter, as long as I am headed in that direction. I am grateful to the Lord for the grace He has given me, and to my loving husband who has been incredibly supportive of me, through my lifetime of struggle in this area. Praise God.

Time flies by...

Wow, it's been OVER a year since I posted anything here. I am alive and well, and, BUSY. It's all good though, as I feel like I am doing the things the Lord has called me to do at this point and stage in my life.

The thing that is currently keeping me the busiest is Robert-Michael. His care and needs are requiring more and more of me, it seems. That includes homeschooling him this year. The school scenarios were getting more difficult for him, as he has a very hard time focusing on any task, and the social scene was also constant pressure on him. I cannot recall if I have written about this on here, so I will say now that he has severe ADD, and Asperger's Syndrome. That is a difficult combination to figure out, but that is what we are in the midst of trying to do. He is super bright and intelligient, but the other issues get in the way, and make things difficult at times. He has so many assets, like his ability to RUN, and his LOVE of learning and sky-high sense on wonder (to use Trinity's terms). But he doesn't grasp any non-verbal language which they say makes up 2/3 of our communications, such as context, body language, facial expressions...those are the things we are working on all the time. Praying for wisdom in this area, and for strength and fortitude.

Well, on with school for the day! We try to start every morning by 8:30 or 9. Dishes done (but not always).

Thursday, December 17, 2009


As I've been preparing my mind and heart for the celebration of our Lord's Incarnation and birth, I've been preparing lots of gifts and things here, for friends and neighbors, for teachers and administrators of the kids' schools, and for the family! It's fun looking forward to Christmas with great anticipation. I am like a little kid at this time of year b/c I get excited! :)

Now, the non-glorious task of doing all the laundry so we can pack for our trip! Sigh.

Ok, back to the excitement! And, back to those chocolate covered pretzels...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So, inspired by another woman in the People of Praise, who lives in our northern Virginia branch, whom I have met in person only once here in South Bend, but have been corresponding with lately, I hope to post more often. She humbly shared a mistake she made recently, so I am inspired to share with you a bit about one of my personal struggles and shortcomings - FOOD. I have taken my physical health and appearance to task in the last 2 years and am dieting/exercising regularly. I have had some success and am going down in size and up in health. All that being said, however, food was, is and probably always will BE an issue for me. I am too drawn to it, focus on it too much, love it too much. I don't want to be lured. I know that Satan attacks me regularly in this! I have to rely on God's grace alone to help me. And, I know that without Him, I cannot have victory here.

My husband is very supportive in this, encouraging me every step along the way. Also, I have a woman in the People of Praise in the Mobile branch who is my diet support buddy - she and I are encouraging one another along in this - it has been a big help to me, especially when I get down and discouraged about it. And, to anyone who reads this, if you would please pray for me in this area - I feel more ready than ever to continue to take it on, with your support and prayers, and with God's grace. Amen!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

our Father's saving grace...

Reading a book called, Stories Jesus Still Tells, The Parables (by John Claypool). It has some interesting points. In a chapter about the parable of the pharisee and the publican, it says, "there's a beyondness to which we yet aspire. We've fallen short of what we were meant to be; yet, there's Something bigger than our past or our sin, and that Something is the grace of God. If we keep our eyes fixed on that goal and that grace, we will, on the authority of God's promise, finally get home!"

I am banking on that promise. I get so downtrodden at times and frustrated with myself for my weaknesses, for struggling with the same sin after oh, so many years...I have fallen short. Yet, it's not all about me and my faults - it's about our Father's saving grace, which can overcome any number of faults and failures. Thank you Father!

Christmas is near..

...and we will travel many, many miles south to be with my family. I am excited to see them all!

I love our life here in South Bend, in People of Praise, in our neighborhood of Winding Brook, in my women's group, in my parish, in our schools....but there is part of me that aches because my family is so far away. They all live close enough to each other to get together for important occasions and big moments. I miss many of those moments and wish I could combine the best of both worlds, and have all of THEM move up here. :)

December 23rd will be a great day!